What does the absolute PERFECT game look like? What is the PEAK of game?
This might be THE most fascinating question in game. It might not be the most practical, but you could certainly argue it is the most interesting.
The obvious answer is that there is no one perfect form of game. That said, after studying this probably more than anyone else in the world (most instructors, including those in RSD, have said “Agree to disagree” and journeyed down maximizing their own path), there ARE a series of underlying best practices.
For instance, Sexual tension is THE most powerful thing in game. As you may have seen in the other articles (and if you haven't read the others – DO. Especially you'll probably like the article on actually getting 9s and 10s – which is like the practical version of this article) – anyway, sexual tension is basically DESIRE mixed with a lack, a vacuum, a tension. So it's like that feeling of wanting you combined with a giant magnet of not having you right now, not acting on that desire. It's insanely powerful. I've never seen a girl react stronger to any other emotion except for whatever the emotion is when a girl meets an A list celebrity.
The next most powerful thing there is in game is 'social competitiveness.' We really dive into this in the FREE First 10 Chapters and also in the article on actually getting 9s and 10s. But basically social competitiveness is like the more widely agreed upon version of preselection. For instance, Vietnamese currency is nice and valuable... In Vietnam. Wherever you're reading this, it's got some value but also is worthless unless you go to a lot of work to exchange it. You can't spend it at your local Starbucks. Gold, however, is more widely agreed upon. You might not be able to spend it at Starbucks, either, but you could probably give someone in the Starbucks parking lot to trade you cash for it. And you wouldn't have to go far at all to even get a reasonable price for it (any local jeweler could likely test it, weigh it, and give you most of its fair market price for it, for instance). Well, preselection is Vietnamese Currency and social competitiveness is gold. Or gold plus a brand. Social competitiveness is basically a brand of being attractive, which works anywhere. Where preselection only works to people near you when you're with an attractive girl and she's treating you like you're attractive.
I went through and studied absolutely everyone. And I mean everyone. Not just Mystery from the Game, but his 10 hour long DVD series he made that you've never heard about. But I've also done bootcamps with RSD Tyler and RSD Julien (and RSD Derek). I've done Vegas Immersion with RSD Luke, and was even offered to be a teacher there. With Lovesystems I did their very best immersion – the three month long, world traveling Project Rockstar. And I did that with legends like Joe Ducard and Lovesystems Venture. I was close friends for a good amount of time with Joe Ducard and with Mr M from the old school days. I've watched the programs of RSD Max and RSD Madison... But I've also watched all the programs of the originals like David DeAngelo. I even watched and tried out everything from the 15 hour DVD series by the author of The Game, ie Style or Neil Strauss. Another thing you didn't even know existed. I even listened through the obscure audio from Captain Jack, who you've likely also never heard of. I've taken 5 day Miami bootcamps with RSD Julien. I've done it fucking ALL. I've also studied celebrities and even fictional player characters like Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Ryan Gosling, Tom Cruise's Rock of Ages character Stacee Jaxx and his character Maverick in Top Gun. I've studied Jake Paul on YouTube. I've studied Jon Cena and rapper G Eazy. I've tried all THEIR shit too. Not only did I study all of them, over the last 12 years, I tried ALL of their shit. Not only that, but I saw WHAT WORKED BEST and what worked best TOGETHER. I constantly traded pieces out over and over and over and over, until what was left were the fundamentals that worked best from each of them. Where they agreed, I knew what was universal. Where they didn't agree, I knew who had the best approach that worked with the hottest girls most often.
That obviously is a massive journey with massive learnings and implications. It's life changing, it's unparalleled, and available nowhere else. And I take you through ALL of that. Starting now, but REALLY kicking off in the FREE First 10 Chapters you can download. Then going all the way through Volume 1 and Volume 2. And the Software Trainers help you directly train the RESULT – the best pieces from all of that together in one.
So what else did I find after sexual tension and social competitiveness? Well, I found that nonverbals are about 10x more powerful than verbals, and that the reason you're stuck (see the article on getting unstuck too), is almost certainly because of your nonverbals. When I say that, I mean the way you use facial expressions. I mean do you lean your head towards her? Or tilt it away? And when do you do that? Are you loose or tight? Are you speaking fast or slow? But even beyond that, is there a kind of cocky rhythm to your voice? Or a very logical one? Or a forced one? Or a lazy one? How are you using your tonality? Is it very flat? Or is it as wild and varying as Steve Irwin the Crocodile Hunter (don't know what I mean? Go on YouTube, find a Steve Irwin video, and listen to HOW MUCH his tonality changes all over the place. And watch his face do the same). The true masters like RSD Julien and even the fictional character Tom Cruise communicate more with their facial expressions, pauses, tonality and rhythm than you even know how to say verbally. All of which I'll teach you to a MASTERY level (ie, to Julien's level himself) in Game Solved, kicking off immediately in the FREE First 10 Chapters. What's more, I found nonverbals are EASIER and MORE UNIVERSAL than verbals. There are fewer options than there are words, so you don't have to know as many patterns and uses of nonverbals in order to know them all – and because there's fewer, they work in way more situations than any given words. They also dictate why girls won't even open for you, or quickly leave.
Then, I learned that very subtle framing is really central to the absolute highest Mastery levels of game. No the framing you already know... But things like whether or not your tonality and face and rhythm subtly imply that you're trying to sell her or she's trying to sell you. Or how these things show if she's more dominant or if you're more dominant. And, even more importantly, how to get her frames to break very subtly so that you're more dominant and you're in control of the frame. And how to do the same to get her the one selling to you.
I found that the reason guys like RSD Tyler and RSD Julien won't shut up about being present is because you have to be so in tune with where her energy is and what the right move is depending on where she is, that if you're thinking about anything else, you're screwed. I ALSO found that you can easily look like you're selling her and she's in charge if you're not extremely present. And that your very subtle nonverbals determine the energy you put out, and if you're not PERFECTLY present, and that makes it muddy and distracted. Which makes it MASSIVELY less powerful. Imagine trying to burn a newspaper with a magnifying glass. In one case the magnifying glass is perfectly clean and clear, and in the other case it's muddy. Which is going to work better? They're the same magnifying glass... But one is 1000x better. Well, that's what being present does for your energy in your communication.
I found that CONTEXT and how you use it is massively powerful. Guys like Mystery and RSD Julien masterfully use the other people in the environment to create emotions for the girl they really want. Guys like RSD Luke are great at getting into bottle service in clubs (and getting into clubs at all) and then using that to their favor... I should say MASSIVE advantage. We go into these in the book, of course, too.
Then I found a number of things that no one else ever said. If I tried to figure out how RSD Jeffy's game fit with RSD Julien's game and the behavior of the fictional character Stacee Jaxx, I would find that at the base level, they didn't seem to fit at all. So I had to learn much, much deeper what was going on and how to put it all together. That led to many, many, many NEW lessons, techniques, and insights that you'll see nowhere else. Plus things that are required to put these things together.
These include universal truths like you need to dumb things down. Dumber allows more emotional. And that girl's sexuality kind of goes from where they are right now to making out and wanting you to grab their butt... Then they kind of turn off their brain and go with what feels good until they have sex. Which means that they get mad at guys for being overly sexual, because in their conscious brain they can only really think about going to butt grabbing makeouts (or discuss the sex they had last night with their girlfriend – they don't really like thinking about sex with a new guy in the future). That adds up to things you'll hear RSD Tyler say about shaking boobs and grabbing butts and maybe licking nipples. But those are also where RSD Jeffy tends to stop his very different type of sexuality. Or Mystery. Or anyone... They all have found in their own style to stop talking at that point. But to talk about that point a lot.
Via that, I found that game is all about making things become more and more “devolved”. If talking about string theory and Shakespeare is evolved, game is about escalating more and more towards butt grabbing makeouts. Less talking. Dumber. Body jokes. Dancing. Devolve. If a girl is flirting with you and you evolve things, then she might leave. You're going the wrong way. If you get stuck talking about evolved stuff, she'll eventually leave even if it's interesting... Because it's not part of the girl's romantic process. You'll see that even though RSD Jeffy and RSD Julien and RSD Luke and Mystery all might seem to have very different game, they're all using ways to increasingly devolve things. Humor is more devolved than debate. Humor about grabbing that girl's butt over there is more devolved than humor from a Monty Python movie. Talking about your fake marriage is more devolved than talking about your favorite vacations.
You'll also find that they all have ways to break frames that resist the de-evolution. Humor might be RSD Jeffy's favorite way. RSD Julien's favorite way is generally nonverbal. Mystery's favorite way is negs and stories. Modern RSD Tyler's favorite way is about baby stepping and slight emotional shifts.
All of the best guys are unstoppable in their own way. In ways that seem innocent where you don't notice it, but they all escalate things forward (towards de-evolution), relentlessly. They all are experts at ignoring all kinds of would-be walls, and navigating around anything they can't manage to ignore. I call this the 'way of the savage', which we get into late in the books. But it's universal. You have to find a way to be happy, fun, seemingly innocent, and yet also to let almost nothing stop you from one way or another continuously going forward.
Along with this, they're all also alpha males in their own way. Through studying the reaction of girls to people on shows like Siesta Key and at parties, as well as studying what girls said about guys in Jake Paul's YouTube video where 'hot girls and guys rate each other', I found that girls naturally pre-judge personalities. They basically decide if they like a guy's personality based on how loud, loose, and certain he is. Maybe he's loose and certain but not loud, they might like that. Maybe he's loud and certain and medium loose, they might kind of like that. The rare guy that's all of it, they love. They judge this BEFORE they talk to him much. BEFORE they hear anything about him or his preferences or his life, the things we 'think' are personality. Then they just reverse justify that they like his personality or don't based on this loud/loose/certain prejudgment. As a result, all top instructors are their own combination of loud, loose, and certain. Loose and certain are more important than loud, so they are ALL loose and certain, while most of them are at least louder than the average human – but they aren't all shouting all the time.
I also found that tension increases all emotions (something we talk about in several of the other mini-articles). This means a lot of instructors use more pauses and 'space' in their interactions than any normal person. Further, it means that basically ALL instructors battle frames with girls. Why? Because if you look like you're having fun battling her, girls LOVE to battle over frames. It's only if you look uncomfortable or don't own it that it becomes uncomfortable. If you have friends with kids, this is an instinct you'll even see little girls starting to enjoy, battling the frames of adults and their parents. Little boys might fight with their parents, but they don't seem to enjoy trying to battle over the frame.
That's about as fast as I can go through some of the biggest, most important “super game” fundamentals across all naturals, instructors, celebrities, and more. But it's a great introduction. Each of these are huge concepts that you have to understand if you want to smoothly, easily, like you were born with it just navigate the world like you're an ace with girls. Once you do understand these things and remove bad perceptions and understandings, you can actually game at an incredibly high level as though you were basically born with it. While this is not exactly a practical subject in some ways, if you understand the best things that anyone in the world does, and the universal things that all great instructors do, you can actually understand women so well that without having to force it and put in insane amounts of constant effort, you can succeed regularly.
Mini-Summaries of Game Solved with the REAL Answers to Your Biggest Questions (2-3 pages each, the REAL answers you've NEVER heard):