How to Make Sure Girls Text you Back – Every Single Time

There's one way to make sure girls text you back, basically every single time – kiss them when you met them. If she kisses you, or at least very much wanted to kiss you but didn't because of something in the environment (her sister was there judging her, or she was with some clinger dude), then she'll be almost guaranteed to text you back.

This means if you're not getting texted back, the thing you didn't do that was most in your control was make sure she was emotionally where she either really wanted to, or DID, kiss you.
How do you do that? Well, the first crucial key – which you'll see as you read the other quick articles and the FREE First 10 Chapters of the book – is sexual tension. Sexual tension is almost ALWAYS the core of what guys are doing wrong in game. Sexual tension is an attraction-based desire combined with a lack. So it's like a magnet, flies to flypaper, moths to a giant fucking spotlight. It means she wants you, but there's tension because there's a gulf there. It's not happening, even though she wants it to.

How do you build sexual tension? Game Solved is a master class in that exact subject – the one thing that will make girls treat you like a 'hot guy' or even better. Not like a regular guy that's gaming well. And the FREE First 10 Chapters that you can download dive deep (60 pages) into sexual tension right from the start.

Next, you can make her kiss you or WANT to kiss you by what I call “pre-visualizing”. We dive deep into this in Game Solved Volume 2, because it's an advanced or even mastery level topic. But you can say things like “I'm not going to kiss you” or “I can't kiss you” or anything else that gets her to VISUALIZE kissing you. You want her to picture it.
Why? Because if things are going well and then you just straight go for the kiss, she hasn't necessarily had time to sit around and think about it and want it to happen. It might catch her by surprise. Maybe she emotionally kind of wants it to happen, but she hasn't really gotten there in her head yet. By saying something like “I'm not going to kiss you”, she now has to picture it. If she doesn't leave, that means she's accepting the frame that kissing is a thing that might happen between you two. BUT, more importantly, she's now picturing it. Which means she's kind of rehearsing it in her head. If it seems like something that she'd still want to do after she's pictured it and then kept interacting with you, then she can start to ACTUALLY want it to happen in the real world. Then she'll kiss you sooo much easier when you go for it. HUGE trick.

What about OTHER ways to get her to text you back?
Well, the first one is to stop texting. RSD Tyler, RSD Luke, RSD Madison and RSD Max all have videos on this at this point. But basically, start adding girls on Instagram instead of a phone number. It's usually easier than a number anyway. But now, instead of texting her you're going to start posting things to your Instagram story that are attractive to girls. You joking around with other girls. You playing games, taking shots, or asking ridiculous questions to other girls. RSD Tyler's Instagram story is excellent for this... When he does it (70% of the time his story is him speaking at his events, maybe 15% of the time it's him joking with girls in a way that other girls find attractive). RSD Luke does these things on his Snapchat I believe, so you can follow that.

The point is that you want her to sit around passively watching your stories, rather than speaking to you. If she liked you enough, she'll watch one or two of your stories. If those are appealing and attractive and emotionally evocative to her, then she'll watch more. If she sits around and watches every one, she'll probably DM with you and meet up with you. Especially if your stories show pre-selection, are emotionally provocative in some way (especially humor related to innuendo, or innuendo, or provocative questions), and put you in an attractive light. Don't use many pictures, pictures at best get attention but rarely evoke emotion. You want her to kind of fall for your personality and lifestyle without ever even having to talk to you. Then you watch who's regularly watching your stories, and you DM them. They'll almost always respond.

If you've got a girl's number already and she's barely responding, try to get her to add you to Instagram instead of trying to get a meetup.
Also, study what dudes that are being followed by tons of models (or whatever your 10 is to you) are doing. Remember, pictures get attention and video gets people to like you, creates emotion, and gets engagement. So never go all pictures. Two guys you could get started looking at are @JayAlvarrez and @EliWehbe. I'll say that I encouraged one game kid I met years ago to raise his social competitiveness (another thing we dive deep into in the book). I just met him trying to daygame in Florence, Italy. A bunch of years later I found out he ran with that and became a full time influencer with hundreds of thousands of fans, making money off of it... You never know where you'll end up!

More pieces that help getting texted back: Lower the bar – make it easier to respond or meet you. Evoke emotions, but don't look like a try hard doing it. We talk a lot about riding this line throughout the FREE First 10 Chapters and the rest of the book. Try to ask for compliance when things are spiraling upward. If you start making her laugh or creating emotion and the momentum is swinging up, that's when you go to get her to get a drink or whatever. Not if it's stalled out or going downhill. Never ask her to do stuff or for any type of compliance when it's going downhill. Finally, try to help her visualize what you're going to do. It's better to ask to have an Irish Coffee on a roof top bar and watch the sunset then to say “Let's meet up”.

There you go! In a page and a half the real answers to the question... However these are subjects with a lot to them. Each thing I just introduced is multiple pages in Game Solved and also has many other topics linked to it that really help you make the most of it...

But you can dive in by reading the FREE First Ten Chapters – just click and download them, FREE but just 2 bucks to help the hosting and outreach required to bring this to everyone.

(Make sure you read the other mini-articles, especially “What does the absolute PERFECT game look like? What is the PEAK of game?” which covers most of the best pieces of 'perfect game'. And the article “How do you Really get your choice of girls,” which introduces what MASTERY game really is. And BE SURE TO DOWNLOAD THE FREE First 10 Chapters – which are a full 60 PAGES of really getting into how to do all of this!!)


Mini-Summaries of Game Solved with the REAL Answers to Your Biggest Questions (2-3 pages each, the REAL answers you've NEVER heard):

What does the absolute PERFECT game look like? What is the PEAK of game? How do you REALLY Get 9s and 10s? How to Make Sure Girls Text you Back – Every Single Time
How do you REALLY get your CHOICE of Girls? So you can Date or Go home with the ones YOU want? Getting UNSTUCK in game



Download: Game Solved - FREE FIRST TEN CHAPTERS.pdf (get the game of Real Social Dynamics & Lovesystems Best - RSD Tyler, RSD Max, RSD Luke, RSD Jeffy, RSD Madison, Venture...)