Getting UNSTUCK in Game
I was desperately stuck for years, and it was one of the worst feelings I ever experienced in life. I didn't know if it would ever go away or if I would ever live the life I wanted. That's not something someone should have to experience, which is the largest reason I wrote Game Solved to begin with.
I ultimately found out it was a problem with the information I had available to me. That information said if I was funny, did the right framing, and did some push-pull or teasing, I would get girls. The only problem? Yeah, that didn't work. Especially in night game. It seemed like it would work and occasionally went well... But it just never worked out in the end. I felt like the king of the almosts.
Game Solved actually started when I wrote a ~70 page post to the Lovesystems Lounge on How to Get Unstuck after battling for about 3 years to do the same in my game, and that was AFTER I did the 3 month traveling immersion 'Project Rockstar'. That post went viral in the community, and is much of the FREE First 10 Chapters you can download here:
Here I'm going to summarize the free chapters which you can easily download and get the full answer to your question, but I ultimately found that the answer largely was in the non-verbals and not what I was saying. Above all, I found that a lack of sexual tension was destroying my game. Sexual tension, as the other mini-summaries say, is a combination of desire and a tension caused by a lack. She feels the desire for more to happen, but there's a suspense because it isn't. That's a magnetic emotion that keeps her locked onto you and romantically interested. It makes her WANT to kiss you. It makes her WANT to stay, rather than just wandering away. It makes her WANT to see you again. It's also literally a girl's single favorite emotion. How do you create it? It's non-verbal, in rhythm, eye contact, pauses, proximity... I go over it in all the detail you need to execute in the FREE First 10 Chapters and then in Volume 1.
Next, I found that the way you move your face is actually perhaps the largest key to whether girls open, hook, and are excited about talking to you or not. How you narrow your eyes is a MAJOR key – this shows engagement, 'life'/spark in your energy, and is intriguing. You can make her feel the effects of a tease (or old school 'neg') just by making a disgusted face. You can roll your eyes. You can also make mistakes like showing that you're chasing rapport with her in your facial expressions. Or showing that you're trying to sell her, rather than getting her to try to sell you.
We go over these cues and how to execute them properly throughout Game Solved in all the detail you need in order to win, and starting in the FREE First 10 Chapters.
There are also very subtle cues. Such as leaning in. Leaning in is both eager, and creates an impulsive recoil from the girl. She will instinctively lean back and tense up – something that often can't be overcome no matter what you do.
Another subtle cue is simply how you make eye contact when you first 'open' or do something to start the interaction. Do your eyes command energy or ask for acceptance? Do you create any energy/emotion at all with your eyes? Do you create energy/emotion FIRST and THEN speak? Or do you say something hoping she'll accept what you're saying, as if to say “please accept me” or “do you like these words I brought you? Might you start talking to me?”
Again, these are things we go over in all the detail that you need to understand them completely and execute them perfectly starting in the FREE First 10 chapters and going through Game Solved.
After that, there's your attitude and how you interact with escalation and the frames in the interaction. She will inherently put you in more 'harmless' frames, and your attitude needs to be that you continually break those frames in order to execute, and that you own and command the interaction, while also owning the tension created when you challenge the frames that she's in. There are also key internal perceptions, such as understanding that girls actually LIKE battling for frames, and they enjoy that bit of tension created there.
In fact, most of the reasons you are stuck relate to your PERCEPTIONS of how girls and game work. If you learn the proper information and change your perceptions, you can then succeed. But if you don't learn better information and correct your perceptions, you're effectively screwed forever. I hate to break it to you, but it won't self-correct via lots of nights out. You'll actually just cement bad perceptions more into your brain.
Knowledge of how to properly escalate and how that actually works with women, on a deep level, is critical. The common advice is “just raise the emotions”. More humor. More joking. Make it a little sexual. Maybe start touching each other. That advice is so blocky and incomplete. It's utterly lacking any nuance, any connection with what you face in the real world. That advice is also highly disconnected from
Finally, persistence is a major issue that causes guys to get stuck. Succeeding about game is all about surviving when the road continues to fork and throw you curve balls. If you don't persist and just give up, you can actually ensure yourself zero successes ever. This can easily be the most damaging possible thing to your game. You need to learn how to persist and 'survive' in all kinds of different situations, and also learn to have the will to see it through to the end. These are things we spend a great deal of time making sure that you lock into your brain in Game Solved Volume 1.
Bottom line, the problem has nothing to do with the things you typically learn about in game. You're getting stuck because the information you have is too surface level and is leaving out things that you ACTUALLY need to succeed. The common information out there is really about how to get nice 'reactions' rather than success, and that's leaving you feeling utterly stuck because it's missing key pieces. Some of the best instructors are telling you most of what they do, but leaving out things like what they are doing with their face. They've developed those things subconsciously, and therefore don't tell you about them. In Game Solved, I DO tell you those things, AND show you how you can do them yourself. Do yourself a favor, download the FREE First 10 Chapters, and change your fucking life:
(Make sure you read the other mini-articles, especially “What does the absolute PERFECT game look like? What is the PEAK of game?” which covers most of the best pieces of 'perfect game'. And the article “How do you Really get your choice of girls,” which introduces what MASTERY game really is. And BE SURE TO DOWNLOAD THE FREE First 10 Chapters – which are a full 60 PAGES of really getting into how to do all of this!!)
Mini-Summaries of Game Solved with the REAL Answers to Your Biggest Questions (2-3 pages each, the REAL answers you've NEVER heard):