Do You Want to Have World Class Game? And NEVER Wonder Why you Don't Get Results Again?

This book is a bit of a secret... Only for those who truly care about living their dream life with women.

This book is about the thing you really want, but NO other source has delivered on its promise to bring you- how you REALLY get 9s and 10s. And how you REGULARLY date girls that are about 8.5+.

You're about to learn the TRUTH of the game industry, and game itself. Something I wish I knew 11 or 12 years ago when I started this journey... But only I will tell you because while I'm at the top of the industry, this isn't how I make a living at all

What's more, some of you might feel like you're in a living hell. I'll be honest, just like I am through the entire book - I did. I felt I never got to date ANY of the girls I was interested in, it never quite worked out, and never would. It felt like I was cursed, like it would never change, and like that was a life I SURE AS HELL didn't want to be in.

By the end of this all, I'll show you not only how to get the girls. Even the true 9s and 10s, and to make that an INHERENT part of how you navigate through life. And how to get unstuck out of whatever game rut you might be in. But ALSO how to live life in a way that is so vibrant and with so many people that truly connect with you and care about you, that you will be like my friend Sam. Sam, sadly, passed away recently at only 29 - and he had TWO THOUSAND people at his memorial. Out of love, out of connection with him. Because of the amazing memories they had formed with him. Yet all that joy and laughter and excitement he was not only something he shared with others, but he was right there experiencing that SAME joy and laughter and brilliance of life every day as well. By the end of all this, you won't JUST get girls, you will carry on Sam's spark and his way of life and live that vibrantly as well. That's the life we should all experience

*** NOTE: I Respond to E-mails within a day. Don't listen to the Russian scammers on Reddit, apparently they're trying to resell my book by claiming to be customers that e-mail me and I don't respond (Update 5/29/2021). I've gotten like three e-mails saying this. I guess that's what happens when you're successful. People are weird. Anyway... Back to it...

This all started with an EPIPHANY. You see, I was once the class genius in my school- I was medium popular, but never one of the leaders of the social group. That meant I got no girls, basically. There were some 7s that liked me. But not a single girl I liked liked me back. None. I didn't have my first kiss in high school. Not even a kiss. Partially because I was picky, partially because it was a small school, partially because I didn't have any attraction to the girls I liked. I was normal looking but not good looking. I'm about 5'8" or a little under. I'm blonde, which a lot of girls actually don't like. My first kiss wound up being forced on me in college at an early party by a girl I didn't want to kiss. Yep. No cool story. I wasn't socially hopeless by any means, but when cute girls liked me in college (mostly because I worked out so hard that I had an amazing body), I never did the right thing. I went up to every cute girl at every frat party and asked them if they wanted to dance. I got really good at dancing, but not good at closing. I almost exclusively heard no, but got just a couple girls as a result. Then I got into game. By 28 I could get all the 7.5s you could ever imagine. And I didn't want any of them. I had dated some pretty cute girls, but game really wasn't working for me to get the girls that I ACTUALLY WANTED. The girls I KNEW I deserved. That led to me taking every bootcamp, watching every program, watching every question, and feeling incredibly stuck. If I'm being honest, it felt like a life in a cage that wasn't even worth living. I'm guessing you're here because you feel the EXACT same way. 

Like you, I also had access to all the game coaching and products out there. Actually, I had better access. I had a couple major instructors that I winged with and got to learn directly from. Most of these products and the instructors I knew kept saying stuff like "You analyze too much" or "Just let go and then it'll work". Guess what? Those didn't help AT ALL. Those guys thought 'letting go' was the key because being an instructor is SELF SELECTING - they happened to be doing things right for one reason or another, then they 'let go' and that enabled the things they were doing to flow even more... and then they became obsessed with letting go. But they would have never become instructors if they weren't doing the right shit. Telling people that aren't doing well to just let go and it'll happen is retarded and maddening!!! Stupid ass advice for someone that's not doing well already. The fact is, the MORE I analyzed, the better my results got. Because I had to LEARN what the RIGHT things to do were. The fact is, if you don't know WHAT REALLY MATTERS, you CANNOT succeed at a high level or rate. Letting go only helps when you know what actually works. Now that I know those things - yes due to knowledge, I can 'let go' and my results go up. But they didn't used to. Sound familiar? (Btw, if knowledge is what makes the difference, where do you get knowledge? Books...) Anyway, that's where I was. So fucking stuck and not really even wanting to be trapped in that life any more.

And that's when the epiphany hit me... Watching Rock of Ages with Stacee Jaxx (Tom Cruise), something I hadn't thought of ever before occurred to me... Game was 90% NON-VERBAL, and SO MUCH MORE was happening non-verbally than any game source had ever told me. Not only that, but SEXUAL TENSION was at the heart of it all... NOT HUMOR. I was trying to run around verbally creating humor and energy and doing framing and such and hoping that worked... But what REALLY worked lay in how you move your face; how you move your eyes; the pauses in your speech; the rhythm in your speech; holding tension rather than breaking it with humor; your vocal tonalities. It was all about who owned the frame, the tension in the interaction, the sexual tension, who flinched or jumped too fast. The humor was just there like grease on a wheel bearing, it wasn't the point. By trying to get girls via humor and using the 'right words' and using sexualized words, I was trying to jam a square peg in a round hole... FOR YEARS. It all came crashing down on me - what was wrong wasn't me. I wasn't too ugly. I wasn't incapable of gaming at a high level, I was following information that was POINTING ME IN THE WRONG DIRECTION!!!! In fact, if I stopped and though about human evolution, we've been human for around 2 million years and had spoken language for about 100,000 years... So how COULD the power of spoken language have evolved to outweigh all those 1.9 million years of NON-VERBAL mating rituals??? It's not possible. Having this epiphany smash me in the face changed everything. There was possibility and potential again in the world that I could live the life I really wanted... And now I had to virtually start all over, learning about tension and non-verbals and how to use that entire world. It launched a rabbit hole that extended the last 5-6 years of my life, where around every corner I found that common game wisdom wasn't exactly wrong, it just was focused on all the things that were secondary. And spending years on that secondary stuff was leaving the important stuff untouched and my game still misfiring badly. It left me feeling like I was in a life I didn't want - and just because I had the wrong information. But then I had to spend years and years and years getting to the end of that rabbit hole to put together a puzzle that no one else had. There WAS NO RESOURCE that did more than talk about pieces of what really mattered. Nonetheless, every improvement I made in terms of non-verbal game, owning the frames, and owning tension - while appropriately reading girls, using humor and lightness in the right ways, etc - caused DIRECT improvement in my results. Snowballing until at times the success at times seemed easy and overwhelming (it will never permanently feel that way all the time, forewarning, but it does for periods of time). Finally, thanks to that epiphany and massive course correction in my game, I WAS HAPPY WITH THE RESULTS I WAS GETTING WITH GIRLS. Eventually I learned that to regularly date model-hot girls I needed some lifestyle additions and such as well... But I knew what to do there, and I had the game to capitalize on those social situations as well.

That one little epiphany, and the subsequent journey it kicked off, changed EVERYTHING for me. They made life worth living. Worth being excited about. But I also knew that other people would never even find that epiphany if they lacked my level of determined relentlessness. I realized many, many other guys would spend YEARS on game, only to feel hopelessly stuck and then drag themselves through a life filled with unhappiness. They would blame themselves, their looks, their wallet, their height, or many other things for their seemingly permanent lack of success. When, in reality, it was their understanding of game and what really mattered and nothing more. I also realized that I had to save people the YEARS of effort and the tens of thousands of dollars I spent exploring that rabbit hole even AFTER I had the epiphany most others would NEVER get. And THAT is why I wrote this book. To bring you to and then THROUGH the exact same epiphany, and then save you from having to go out and recreate a brand new body of game knowledge that is sparsely contained in thousands of sources, and largely needs to be filled in via experience and testing a million dead-ends. By giving you the RIGHT information, I can save you from never getting what you want with girls. I can save you from feeling like life isn't really worth going through. I can save you from feeling like you're broken and game will never work for you like it does for others. I can save you from feeling like you're picky and you deserve better, but there's no way to get it, no matter what you try. THAT is why I did this. I mean... Wouldn't you do the exact same thing in my position? The value to you hear is immeasurable. Sometimes people ask me if I can give them 10 dollars off or something... What? We're talking about a couple hundred bucks to bring you out of a life that you don't even feel is worth living into what you dreamed of when you first started game. There's not even a number for that. I could charge $1 or $50,000, they make just as much sense. This has almost all of the best wisdom of RSD Tyler, RSD Luke, RSD Jeffy, RSD Madison, Joseph Dieguez (pseudonym), and many more ALL together. Not only that, but do you want to know what game looks like if you somehow combine the best things from RSD Tyler, RSD Luke, RSD Jeffy, the best Lovesystems instructors, the best naturals, etc ALL together? That's here too. So what IS the value?? Impossible to decide. I settled on fair amounts given the funding levels of the people that read the book - but realistically this is tens upon tens of thousands of dollars of value for pennies in comparison. But you don't even have to listen to that - just read the first 60 freaking pages for free!!!:

Download: Game Solved - FREE FIRST TEN CHAPTERS.pdf (get the game of Real Social Dynamics & Lovesystems Best - RSD Tyler, RSD Max, RSD Luke, RSD Jeffy, RSD Madison, Venture...)

Topic-Based Summaries of Game Solved with the REAL Answers to Your Biggest Questions (2-3 pages, the REAL answers you've NEVER heard):

What does the absolute PERFECT game look like? What is the PEAK of game? How do you REALLY Get 9s and 10s? How to Make Sure Girls Text you Back – Every Single Time
How do you REALLY get your CHOICE of Girls? So you can Date or Go home with the ones YOU want?

Join our Intro Telegram chat and get questions answered by myself and other members HERE (download Telegram app if you don't have it, it's like anonymous group texting):

This is the ONLY Mastery Level game Product ever released... By that I mean this shows you how to be EQUALLY AS GOOD as your favorite instructors. Not just 'instructor level' - but equal to RSD Julien / RSD Tyler / Nick Braddock / Lovesystems Venture, etc. Plus everyone else from Real Social Dynamics like RSD Jeffy, RSD Luke, RSD Madison... No other product ever released takes you past advanced or even high level intermediate. They just let you figure out the rest yourself. The effort versus the market size is simply totally unreasonable for profit-based companies like Real Social Dynamics (6 years of writing... 10+ years of experience, meeting and gaming with almost every legend in the industry).

It's a roadmap from wherever you are, all the way to advanced and ultimately MASTERY level game. In other words, it shows you EVERY step and EVERY piece of knowledge you need to be JUST AS GOOD as anyone - RSD Julien, Venture from Lovesystems, RSD Madison or RSD Max, RSD Owen (Tyler)... You name it!

Everyone wants to pick up 9's and 10's... But all of the instruction out there is just little 'tips'. 'Do this with 9s and 10s' or 'don't do that and you'll be good.' You go and try these tips, and they help... But you don't get the girl! When you go do the tips, you find it's like a drawing where you connect all the little dots. And nothing between the dots is filled in.

I wanted to change that. The first volume shows you everything you need to know - everything - to pick up and go home with at least two girls/month that are 8.5 or hotter (8.5, 9, 10...). You WILL BE THERE by the end of volume 1 if you follow it. So IMAGINE where Volume 2 goes...

More importantly, this teaches you how to fuse together the teachings of each separate instructor out there. The ultimate question in game is 'How do I reconcile what RSD Tyler teaches with what Lovesystems teaches with what Mystery or Style used to teach?' Surely they each have their strong points!? Surely despite differences, each are good at something and have value? They do, but it took about 6-7 years of digging and going out with all of them in order to find the universal truths and priorities behind everything to put it all together.

That's all pretty crazy. But it all started with a simple wish...

All I wanted in my life was CHOICE with women- some amount of input in who I dated. I had no idea what that would ultimately entail. After struggling in college just trying to meet girls by dancing with them, I found 'game'. Pretty soon I found that the people gaming on average weren't actually that good... They got like a bunch of 7's. I took live programs through RSD and Lovesystems, including bootcamps with RSD Julien and Real Social Dynamics Tyler (Owen Cook), Lovesystem's Project Rockstar, RSD Vegas Immersion and more. I gamed all the time with Joe Ducard, one of the best instructors in the world. I watched EVERYTHING - almost everything RSD ever put out, everything Mystery put out, everything David DeAngelo put out...

And then I went on a quest.

HOW THE FUCK DOES ALL THIS FIT TOGETHER? And what kind of game can routinely get the girls you REALLY want? Five years after writing one of the most popular Lounge posts of the past 5 years (about how to get 'Unstuck' in game, if you've read it), I finally managed to learn enough, test enough, and talk to enough of the best teachers in the world to put it ALL together. I had finally SOLVED game. As much as is possible anyway.

How does RSD Julien's game go together with RSD Madison's game and Mystery's game and David DeAngelo's game and Joe Ducard or Lovesystems Venture's game? They all seem SO different... But I'll tell you. In fact, I'll tell you how to take the BEST pieces of EVERYONE'S game and best put them together. That's right, the holy grail. The 'super game' you've always wondered about...

But not just that... TEACHING you to do it. SIMPLY. Learning it might take a long book... But the end result at the end of the second volume is SIMPLE. ACTIONABLE. Because of this, I accidentally became THE best in the world at teaching men to QUICKLY realize advanced and MASTERY level results with women. Mastery level traditionally requires you to go and make friends with the most elite instructors (RSD Tyler, RSD Julien, Venture, Joe Ducard, etc) and then go out with them every night for years (much like I did or even more). It requires them to TRY to teach you to be an instructor for 2+ years. There hasn't been a product on that because... How do you replicate TWO YEARS of going out in person with the head of RSD? Well, that's what this does! And even takes it further... This is an opportunity you'll never get otherwise (unless you're planning to drop your entire life and go pester RSD Tyler until he makes you his next project...)


Any Questions? Want to use PayPal or Venmo instead? E-mail, I respond within a day every time!

Click below to download first ten chapters free!:

Download: Game Solved - FREE FIRST TEN CHAPTERS.pdf

Topic-Based Summaries of Game Solved with the REAL Answers to Your Biggest Questions (2-3 pages, the REAL answers you've NEVER heard):

What does the absolute PERFECT game look like? What is the PEAK of game? How do you REALLY Get 9s and 10s? How to Make Sure Girls Text you Back – Every Single Time
How do you REALLY get your CHOICE of Girls? So you can Date or Go home with the ones YOU want?

Join our Intro Telegram chat and get questions answered by myself and other members HERE (download Telegram app if you don't have it, it's like anonymous group texting):


THEN we'll simplify it so much that you can just walk around and any time you interact with women, you can FEEL your way through the interaction. And STILL bring a level of game out that fits within the best masters in the world.

THAT is solving game. Mastery level game you can carry around with you always. And I'll explain EVERY piece that you need for that. No guessing. No 'Go out for 10 years and some of this will make sense'.

You'll learn ALL the best stuff from: RSD Tyler (aka RSD Owen), RSD Julien, RSD Madison, RSD Luke, RSD Jeffy, (pretty much most of the amazing teachings of Real Social Dynamics and their Bootcamps), Lovesystem's Venture, Lovesystem's Project Rockstar, old school sources Mystery, David DeAngelo and Style. And more. For a fraction of the cost of a Lovesystems pickup bootcamp or an RSD game bootcamp, you'll learn FAR more. You will likely still want a bootcamp at some point... But this will have MANY times more value to you, and it's MUCH cheaper for you.

This ain't a book. It's an entire life-shifting, mind-blowing, planet cracking saga. A program. A journey...

You're welcome ;)

Where do you start? Just read the free 50 pages. The whole first 10 chapters. See for your fucking self, bro!

You don't know who I am? Just fucking read it and see. I haven't been running around building a pickup business. I never will. You'll never see my YouTube videos. You'll never go to my seminars. I spent my life going to one of the very top universities in the world, then getting nearly to the Olympics in perhaps the most difficult sport there is, then building a business, traveling the world, and learning game. Not building a YouTube following.

I've been working on GAME for the past ten years. I've been going out IN PERSON with RSD Julien and asking him every deep question you wish you could, plus some so deep he'd never been asked them before. But FAARRRRR from just Julien. With almost ALL the legends. With Joe Ducard, Tyler D from RSD (RSD Tyler), RSD Luke, the best instructors of Lovesystems like the legendary Venture. I haven't been putting out content. This isn't my business and won't ever be.

I have a real business and can't put my face into this industry...

But I CAN help you go to the top without any more questions. Want to know how the instructors got where they are? How to potentially even go to a new level, beyond all of them?

Don't want to listen to me? Then don't. This is THE best book EVER written on game, hands down. I GUARANTEE it will be one of the THREE BEST THINGS YOU EVER READ in your entire life. Like money-back no shit guarantee.

Why can I say this is the best book ever written? Because 2/3 of it is straight from the world's best guys. Two thirds of this book isn't my ideas at all, I just went and hung out with all the legends of game like RSD Julien and RSD Tyler and Joe Ducard, then I watched every product from Mystery and the very best Lovesystems instructors. Julien himself personally told me mind blowing insights he's never put out on ANY product. When I asked if he would ever - he said "Probably not."

Then I tested all their shit for TEN FUCKING YEARS, going back to them and asking more and more questions and letting them teach me. Until I figured out how it all went together, what was behind ALL of it, what the best pieces were, how to put them together. I ultimately had to add the last third myself, because no one was ballsy or crazy enough to try to put all of this together. It will probably be a VERY long time before anyone goes to this kind of length again in advancing the pure performance of game. This is what you HOPED you'd find when you started gaming.

But it didn't exist. Until now.

If you don't want to read it, I honestly don't fucking care. Why? Because I'm just putting this out there for someone like me who wants to live their twenties the way they SHOULD. Rather than banging their head against the wall, trying to read between the lines of a bunch of contradictory, spotty information. This book has already changed at least two people's lives in its draft form... The Lounge post it's based on many more. It's done its job already. Read it if you WANT the answers. Or don't.

This book will change your perspective on women and life as much as it did the VERY FIRST time you found out about game. I am 110% confident this book is a TURNING POINT in your life.

In fact, the material here is SO POWERFUL, and so little known (much of it never before discussed ANYWHERE), that it's impossible for it to NOT radically change your life.

Welcome, gentlemen, to Game Solved.


If you need to Contact me or want to use PayPal instead of the link below:


Volume 1: A roadmap to pulling two 8.5+ girls a month via night cold approach. I set a goal to reach this measure of success and girls I would want to date - and many told me it wasn't possible. It was. And Volume 1 will give you what you need to do that too. (You'll be able to use the same skills for day game and online as well)


Volume 2: Reach true mastery level game (on the same level as any instructor in the world). Then distill it down to where you can make those skills a permanent part of you.

You probably think I'm full of shit. That I can't possibly have packaged all of this into a book. That this can't possibly be better than RSD's products. That I can't possibly have assimilated all of their knowledge. That I can't possibly know a more efficient route than them. That because I don't have a YouTube channel that you can watch over and over, that this can't be true. That this random upstart site can't be the most advanced game product there is. That something like that would have to have a high budget (wrong, there's not many people on earth that ACTUALLY want to be mastery level. There's no market. People want comfortable tidbits they likely won't use from RSD Tyler being funny. Trust me, I've personally discussed it with Tyler AND Julien, and Julien literally told me he'd never release a mastery level game product making this stuff public).

If that's what you believe, test me. Just read the first ten chapters for free. Then see what you think. I don't have to bullshit. It's all right here, see for yourself. If you don't believe me, that's one fewer guy competing for the girls I want. How many fun, cool, intelligent models do you think there are in this world? Suit yourself...


Any Questions? Want to use PayPal or Venmo instead? E-mail, I respond within a day every time!

Free Download - First Ten Chapters!!-

Download: Game Solved - FREE FIRST TEN CHAPTERS.pdf

Topic-Based Summaries from Game Solved with the REAL Answers to Your Biggest Questions (2-3 pages, the REAL answers you've NEVER heard):

What does the absolute PERFECT game look like? What is the PEAK of game? How do you REALLY Get 9s and 10s? How to Make Sure Girls Text you Back – Every Single Time
How do you REALLY get your CHOICE of Girls? So you can Date or Go home with the ones YOU want?

Game Solved Sections (e-mail to order):

DONATE - Help me start the company that will change my life, as a thank you for changing yours!